
Mariona Lloreta is a Catalan-American interdisciplinary artist working internationally in film, painting and dance.

Mariona’s work celebrates the universal thread that binds our human experience as it examines the fine line between presence and absence, wholesomeness and brokenness, past, present and future. Her work dives into themes of identity, spirituality and collective memory, while reflecting upon the beauty and vulnerability of human existence.

Recent projects include writing, directing and co-producing short film “A lua nunca morre” in Rio de Janeiro which has so far won the Best Experimental Film Award and Best Cinematography at Oscar-Qualifying Reel Sisters in Brooklyn, NY, and has been selected by Oscar-Qualifying Edmonton International Film Festival, acclaimed New York Latino Film Festival, NALIP’s Latino Media Fest, San Francisco Independent Film Festival and Miami Film Festival, among others. Her previous film, “Amenze, in between worlds,” which she wrote, directed and filmed, won Best Cinematography at the Reel Sisters of the Diaspora Film Festival (Brooklyn, NY) received a Best International Film nomination at the BronzeLens Film Festival in Atlanta, GA, and was selected by dozens of film festivals, including Oscar-qualifying Zinebi in Bilbao, Spain. Mariona also edited award-winning feature film “The Ghost and the House of Truth” (2019) in South Africa and produced narrative short film “On Monday of Last Week” (2018). She has directed and produced several documentary films, including “ReSignifications”, commissioned by New York University and “The Lagos Music Salon” for Sony Music artist Somi in Nigeria.

Mariona is currently working on her first feature film “El Vent” (“The Wind”), on documentary film “Living Together,” commissioned by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council in Boston, and she is also producing several female-led, international projects.

Mariona currently serves as Affiliate Professor of Screenwriting at Emerson College in Boston and as instructor at creative writing agency GrubStreet.